Privacy Policy

All information provided by the client when registering or making a purchase will be treated with absolute confidentiality and privacy. is limited to safeguarding the following customer information:

Personal Information: your name, physical address, telephone number and email address.

Non-personally identifiable information: IP address, browser type, domain name, and specific page pages of the website are collected to gain a better understanding of site development needs.

General information

Security recommendations to clients.

Always disconnect the browser session after having accessed a security area or having entered the username and password into the system.

We will never request personal information by email, so the client is recommended not to provide any type of information requested by this means.

In case of doubt, the client may verify the authenticity of the link, email address or email in which personal information is requested by emailing

The company is not responsible for errors of the client, or user, or negligence when using the services offered on this site and does not cover losses caused by: capture errors or improper use of the service, negligence in handling or sharing your information that causes unauthorized access to accounts, leaving the computer unattended during an online session, etc. 

User compliance

A legal agreement is constituted between any user and, assuming that the client, before requesting any service through the site, has reviewed, understood and agreed to the terms set forth in the portal policies.

In case of disagreement, the user must refrain from providing personal information, as well as raising any commercial requirements.

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