Frequent questions
We have answers for your questions
I already had an account created, but it is not recognized. What should I do?
You must enter the forgotten password/username option to request a modification and you will receive a notification by email indicating the steps to take.
I have not yet received my order. Who can I contact to find out its status?
If you have not received your order within 3 business days of shipping, you can send an email to with the order information that arrived in the email requesting a shipping status.
Who should I contact if I have questions about making an online purchase?
To place an order you must follow the following steps:
- Enter the website
- Add the items to the shopping cart
- Fill out the account creation and order information
- Complete the payment on our payment gateway
If you have additional questions, you can contact our Customer Service department by sending an email to:
How are shipping costs calculated for orders?
How can I process an exchange or return?
You can send an email to informing about the case and according to our return and warranty policy, the exchange of the product would be evaluated.